The Comfort Zone

The Comfort Zone

I believe i can write on this topic because of my own experiences...
The last Quarter of last year and this present year has really opened my eyes to a lot of things.

We live in world where there is so so much to learn about "LIFE" (PS: 99.9% of the world population use less than 10% of their brain's capacity in respect to learning).. Yet many of us decide only to just live this life as it comes.. I have been there, i guess i am still even there but i'm trying to push myself to live my Life more consciously and with a growth mindset.

There is so much to unlearn and relearn if only we put our minds to it and our brains at work. But this would never happen in the comfort Zone.
Comfort Zone makes one:
* Feel too relaxed and at ease about oneself
* Assign Responsibility of one's life to another
* Believe You are doing just fine
* Rely on past achievement
* Have a Fixed mindset about life
* Live below one's potential
* Believe God would do it all for you

The Truth about this matter is Extraordinary things are not achieved in the comfort.
And you would never know much about yourself and your abilities by staying in your comfort zone.

Abraham left his comfort zone when God told him to leave his homeland
Esther left her comfort zone into the royal palace to be later crowned a queen
All of Jesus's disciples left their comfort zones to follow Jesus.

Think of comfort zones as the zone you've been accustomed with from childhood, the zone where you were either used to everything being easy and all you ever needed was at your fingertip and easily accessible or where everything was relatively hard and you never had all you wanted, you practically lived a very low life... So hold on a bit ( This is just to say, Comfort zones is relative)

But right now, you feel fear to try new things, To relate with a certain kind of persons because you think you don't match up or the fear to lose your possessions/wealth you grew up with/the position you have. Whatever the case maybe. You really need to get past that fear zone.
Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear. The success you truly decide is outside that comfort zone. Why not make a decision to pursue it today. It's never to late

If we do not make an attempt to consciously leave our comfort zones from time to time. We wouldn't live our dreams nor the life we truly desire.
And before we know it, Life would begin to jolt us out of our comfort zone into our fear zone. Then we would keep reclining back into comfort/seeking alternative comfort zones.
The Sad truth is with time, the comfort zone gets depleted and all we left with is the fear zone. Now since the mind doesn't know how to snap out of this zone. Most people result to suicide.😪😪.
Train your mind today! Start with learning to live beyond the Tiniest Fears then the Greatest Fears. One way to this, picture in your mind, what your life would be if you ever lived past your fear, let that always be your anchor thought; should you feel that fear that makes you recline to comfort, Acknowledge it, then focus all your energy on that "Anchor thought" and walk through that fear anyways and you would soon see it disappearing...

Never lose Hope.
Take charge of your life today.
Control your Everyday thoughts.
Train your mind
You can be whoever you want to be 
And remember Rome wasn't built in a day.
Learn through the process 
I hope this blessed you. Love💓and Light☀

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