Focus on the bright side of life

I woke this morning with a sharp pain at my left hip/waist region. I wondered what could have been the cause and next thing, i saw my self on google
Trying to search what the symptom meant.

I got scared when i saw an infection of the kidney is the cause, fear gripped me instantly and the pain suddenly became worse. 

When I got to work and i was still feeling the pain, i decided to re search on google again by remodifying what i typed into the search textbox thinking by this time, another result would pop up.

But to my utmost surprise it was same. I then tried to see what would pop up of it was the right hip/waist region i search instead.

Nothing about kidney infection came up. This intensified my fear because it seemed to me that the so kidney infection was. attributed to just the left side hip/waist region

Then i decided to shut out all the negative thoughts that was playing in my head, i said a few confessions of God's promises on healing and i decided not to focus on the pain any longer.

It wasn't so easy because each time i stood up, i felt the sharp pain but i kept telling myself i am healed of all pains. I then completely immersed myself into the training i was receiving

And lo and behold that was it!
It didn't even occur to me again all day till like 30mins ago - it's 10:22pm now
When it just crossed my mind like..
"Oh! Wait ooo, i was having this sharp pain before now" and right at that time i appreciated the results of focusing on the positives

So here is me just saying to you, whatever you might be going to now,
It's just a phase
Do not focus on the negatives
It drains you more
Train your mind to think more positively
Where there is life, there is hope.

I hope this blessed you❤


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