The Lord Is my Strength

Today i reaffirm my Faith in the most positive Force of the Universe, The creator of the world, My Creator, The light in Whom there is no darkness at all (1 John 1: 5)
Henceforth, i would learn to Trust you the more, i step away from Self preservation and allow you take the wheel of my life' journey.
My Life is blossoming and Daily i grow more in the Knowledge of you beholding as in a glaass your glory till i am completely changed in the same vein.

Every Stronghold is pulled out for the weapons of my warfare are not carnal but my Mighty through God. Every Imagination that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God is cast down and all my thoughts are brought to the Obedience of Christ.

I am Never Gonna be the same again, I am changed..
And daily my mind is Transformed
I choose the path of Righteousness
I walk in Alignment with God's Purpose for my life
Through me, Greatness is made common.

Check this out
I hope it blessed you


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