

Growing up, i was used to hearing this sentence "The power of life and death lies in our tongue".
Why?, because with our tongue we are able to speak into existence.
If you can recall, there was a viral post on social media about two glasses of jar filled with rice, For one, good words were spoken to it and the other the opposite. And the result was that the one that bad words were used grew fungus and got spoilt while the other remained.
So How much more our lives?.
Often times, we jokingly use bad words on our self just so we could be perceived as fun or we fill it's just on a lighter note, let me light up this places.
Words like:
"I am always in the worst set"
"Na hustle life sure pass"
"No Joy mahn"
"Local man cannot come and die"
To mention a few, and often times we wonder why things are just difficult for us.
It's time to be more disciplined about the words we use on ourselves.
Think Positively
Speak positively
Act positively
Start speaking positively about your life, Speak the word of God consciously into your life. And watch your life blossom.
Below are a few confessions
1.I am blessed, blessed in my body, Blessed in my soul and Blessing in my spirit
2. I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus
3. I am the light of the world, a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden
4. I have the mind of Christ and therefore i begin to produce creative things that eyes have not seen, ears have not heard nor minds conceived before
5. I am the salt of the world, i add value to every life i come in contact with.

I hope this blessed you💓


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